Dangers of Unplanned Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in Nigeria

Unplanned pregnancies in Nigeria can lead to various dangers including increased maternal mortality rates, higher risk of maternal and infant health complications, economic strain on families, and limited educational and career opportunities for young mothers.

Additionally, unsafe abortion practices, often pursued due to limited access to safe and legal abortion services, contribute significantly to maternal morbidity and mortality rates in Nigeria. Unsafe abortions can result in severe complications such as hemorrhage, infection, uterine perforation, and long-term reproductive health issues.

These dangers highlight the urgent need for comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education, access to contraception, and safe abortion services in Nigeria to mitigate the risks associated with unplanned pregnancies and unsafe abortion practices. The Government also has to review health care policies, strengthen Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and make it easier for women to access commodities.

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